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Career Opportunities

We are proud to offer employment candidates a work life different from many other public accounting firms. We are often recruiting the same top candidates as firms much larger than us in size. Therefore, we understand the need to provide similar salary and benefits. While this is a demanding profession, we also recognize the need for activities outside of work, including family life.

Travel is likely a part of any public accounting profession. However, our travel is mostly limited to within Nebraska. Due to our central location, we have a significant number of clients within driving distance which can help limit our overnight travel. However, when overnight travel is required, it is generally only two to four consecutive days.

New professionals work under close supervision executing basic assignments. His or her work is specifically designed to provide him/her with broad and diversified experience. New employees are not restricted to limited tasks, situations or a narrow range of clientele; instead they are given every opportunity to become acquainted with various clients. Although their work is supervised by persons of greater experience, they must be familiar with auditing and accounting procedures and taxation. They are expected to exercise judgment and discretion in the application of these procedures.

DA&E uses a paperless approach to most all engagements, as well as all office procedures. This approach demands the need for up-to-date technology and therefore we commit significant resources towards technology. Each professional is trained on our software programs and paperless approach through in-house training sessions.

Our benefit package includes the following:

  • Group health insurance coverage under a Health Savings Account plan
  • Life insurance through the AICPA
  • Participation in our Safe Harbor 401(k) plan
  • Discretionary profit sharing plan
  • Paid time off including vacation, holiday, sick, time bank, and other personal days
  • Cafeteria plan to use pre-tax dollars to pay for qualified expenses
  • Reimbursement for professional certifications, licensures, and memberships
  • Continuing professional education

To learn more about our community, check out the local Links.

We are always interested in talking with potential candidates for employment. We generally concentrate on recruiting at the college level for our entry-level positions each fall utilizing on-campus interviews. Please check with your campus Career Development Center to set up an interview. If we are not scheduled to visit your campus or you are an experienced professional, please feel free to email your resume at any time to Sonja A. Cattau.